Friday, August 28, 2009


Learning lessons.. Expectations are real reasons for trouble.

When you expect someone to be like this or like that or react that way or this way, but they won't !!.... you get disappointed. Dig in more and you will find the reason is expectations!

Wonder why we build expectations, why we expect people to do something or to react in one way! May be it's better to accept the fact that everyone had their own way of taking things and may be sometimes people needs more time.. or may be they will never change, may be they will never understand, may be they have their own set of problems, may be it's good to leave them as it is.... well, whatever!!! ... there is no point pondering too much and ruining one's mood, especially when there are better things to do in life...

life just goes on....


  1. It is hard to expect from oneself, not to expect from others...unfortunately we sometimes find it the hard way.

  2. I don't know how not to expect..but I think my expectations are not very high, in the sense that I have rarely been disappointed that way..but sometimes,things have turned out better than I expected...

  3. I agree wid preeti. Even I don't know how not to expect but may we should not expect too much!!and I think 'not expecting' should not stop us from doing what we have been doing!

  4. I agree with Chandu too that expectation IS the reason for disappointment.
    But then, I second Preeti, too. How can one not expect from oneself and from the significant others? What's a relationship without expecting and keeping up expectations?
    I am too human to give up expectations....

  5. chandu.. i feel its ok to expect sometimes... esply with ppl with whom u feel at ease..but its not ok to think that all tht u expect would be done... thts the problem with we humans.. its hard to stop it isn't it?
    but, don't lose hope...

  6. You have been awarded!
    Check out my blog.......

  7. @All- agree that it's tough to stay expecting nothing. I am back to expecting mode :)
