..after 10 years of reaching the elgibility...
...for the first time in my life.
Hail BEL for the EVM's, that made life easy!!! I did it!! The early bird needed just 5 minutes to cast the vote. Whom did i vote for? shhhh... the one whoever wins in my constituency :P
I thought my application was reject-ed and I was deject-ed, but was elat-ed to find my name in the edit-ed electoral rolls, just few days before the much await-ed D-day!!Although, I haven't collected the much deabt-ed voter-id card, my passport help-ed and I cast-ed my vote! chandu... "citizen de responsible" .
T n Me also voted!!!
I did one proud thing in 31 years.. ( yeah, I am 31 :( ) I voted for the first time.. but come to think of it.. I got voters' ID card only this year..