Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday mania

No.. No...NO. I am not going to talk about Monday traffic of Bangalore, not about Monday blues of going to office. let me explain, every time this little absent minded brain of minegets serious and starts thinking about "what do I change in LIFE" or "what "improvements' can i do"... I always bank on Monday.

For instance,
"Go for jogging" (to self), (resolution:Ok let's start it on Monday)
Clean the house .. ok from monday
Start making a T2Do chart.. ok will start from monday
WORK in office in between mails, chat and blog .. ok will ONLY work in office and use Airtel connx at home to best, but from MONDAY..

Then comes the MONDAY gleaming with hopes and aspirations of starting so many new things... and eventually what happens....? Realization dawns on me- Monday is as good as any other day. I end up feeling - ..bloody I could have started it already and to add that when I look back, I had forgot all those START-ON-MONDAY things, since no records exist.

then what happens? Ok, a resolution will be passed into mind register to start noting things down and a resolution is made to buy a white marker board at home to bug mom, to write messages, to kick myself up , to feel good by STRIKING Off "things-to-do" and most importantly to REMEMBER THINGS by writing them on the board. But the White-marker board is waiting to reach home from past 2.5 years! Phew heights of procrastination...!

Another Monday is getting over, so let me stop choosing Mondays, since sundays are ending up as sleeping late, bird watchings, meeting friends, mondays always start late and lazy and no time to think about what to start on Monday... here goes another monday..


  1. Ha ha,...... Monday Mania! I have this problem mostly with weekends - clean the room - this weekend; arrange clothes - this weekend; cook something new - this weekend; and many many more....
    And some more go on a monthly basis- like keep an account of expenses - starting 1st of next month.... which has not happened from the last couple of years!

  2. If its Monday mania for you, its first of the month for me :-) But when it comes to things I like, every day is line 1st of the month. Give us your working credit card, we will buy the white board for you.

  3. @Sum-Account of expenses. aah don't remind me ever of that. It was an item pending even before I had a job :)
    @Aarthi- yup yup "working cards" but they have become slimmer with the over use

  4. for me, whenever i want to do things, i always think i should start from next month 1st.. as Aarthi says.. and tht next month never comes :P
    like how my blog was waiting for a post for soooo many next months before some 25 months passed by :))

  5. @prasad- Your blog is still waiting for more posts!! well can;t beat you on the blog thing!

    And this is CHENEY?
    And you work with the SYRIAN " traitor" HANSEN?
    We know about all your " improvement" at impulse and along with it goes all your
    " rage".
    And GE has the books on all of you!
    That ought to make it " simple" .
    RICK DOBLE and STEVE SAILER'S Blogs are full of ROTABLE - and even TURNER says so.
    And he RELLY ought to know.
